Personal Training & Coaching

Personal Training & Coaching

We all need the advice of an expert sometimes, as well as the personal attention to help us meet our goals. The Skagit Valley Family YMCA offers personal training and coaching to help you set and meet your specific goals to live healthier and feel better.

  • Personal Training (60-minute sessions)
    • A personal trainer can help you with a wide variety of goals you might have, such as weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, strength training, and more. In your initial session, the personal trainer will help evaluate your current fitness level, engage in conversation with you about your goals and aspirations, and help you develop a plan for the future!
  • Sleep Coaching (30-minute session)
    • We all know that sleep is important but sometimes it doesn’t come easily. Learn how to identify roadblocks that are preventing you from getting the sleep you need and discover solutions and habits that will help you get more Zzz’s!

Nutrition Coaching -Elena

Skagit Valley
6/3/24 - 6/30/25

Nutrition coach Elena

  • I am a coach at heart, mother of  3, wife, actress, and strength trainer
  • I am a PN ( precision nutrition) level 1 and PN  level 2 certified master coach, NASM certified trainer, group fitness instructor.
  • I have been working with clients since 2018.
  • I specialized in helping women who want to lose weight and build lean muscle through nutrition and exercise by building strong habits and ditching quick fixes.
  • I help Clients to be aware of the changes they need to make in order to achieve any health and wellness related goal. I am the tour guide and they are the boss of their own journey. I help women make friends with their bodies in fine their  perfect plan.
The minimum commitment required is between 3-6 months which will include:
  • A 45-60 minutes weekly session
  • Customized Nutrition plan and all monthly adjustments to the plan
  • Weekly email with resources and recipes
  • Monthly body composition measurements
  • Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5pm accountability, you can email me or text me and I will respond within 24 hours
  • PDF’s and assessments
  • A whole person coaching approach
This program is not only about nutrition, it is all about YOU, how to create a plan that fits YOUR lifestyle, without starving yourself, without eliminating the foods you enjoy,
This program is about building long term habits, assessing and overcoming obstacles, and identifying triggers that hold you back.
Take one step at a time THIS IS ALL ABOUT SLOW AND STEADY ,
If you want to make big changes, we have to take small, consistent daily actions
Is this resonates with you, then, I am your coach!

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Member
6/3/24 12/31/24 Online / Front Desk $ 100.00$ 130.00

Available Sessions

Date(s) Minimum Deposit Special Rate
06/03/24 - 06/30/25
12 sessions - 1 hr
$ 600.00 $1200 - $1560 Session is Full
06/03/24 - 06/30/25
24 sessions - 1 hr
$ 1200.00 $2400 - $3120 Register  

Personal Training - Amy

Skagit Valley
11/6/23 - 12/31/24

Amy specializes in training clients ranging from young adults to Active Older Adults, including cancer patients and survivors. She can provide individualized strength and cardio sessions, yoga sessions, and pilates sessions.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Member
11/6/23 12/31/24 Online / Front Desk $ 70.00-

Available Sessions

Date(s) Special Rate
11/06/23 - 12/31/24
1 session - 1 hr
11/06/23 - 12/31/24
3 sessions - 1 hr
$210 Register  
11/06/23 - 12/31/24
6 sessions - 1 hr
$420 Register  

Personal Training - Elizabeth

Skagit Valley
9/20/23 - 12/31/24

Elizabeth offers inclusive and adaptive personal training focused on function, removing pain, improving mobility, and improving the overall quality of life for her clients. Her target audiences are:

  • Those with Parkinson’s and other degenerative health conditions
  • Those with chronic health conditions
  • Those with intellectual and physical disabilities
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Those recovering from injuries or in need of injury prevention support (including post-op joint replacement recovery)
  • Older adults

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Member
9/20/23 12/31/24 Online / Front Desk $ 70.00-

Available Sessions

Date(s) Special Rate
09/20/23 - 12/31/24
1 session - 1 hr
12/01/23 - 12/31/24
3 Sessions - 1 hr
$210 Register  
12/01/23 - 12/31/24
6 Sessions - 1 hr
$420 Register  

Personal Training - Kim

Skagit Valley
9/8/23 - 12/31/24

Kim specializes in providing training for beginners to advanced lifters looking to build strength, endurance, physical resilience, and confidence through a fitness routine. Each session with Kim will include a thorough warm up with mobility and preventative habilitation exercises, a workout tailored to your goals, and a cool down. Workouts will be shared digitally so that Kim and client can track progress.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Member
8/29/23 12/31/24 Online / Front Desk $ 70.00-

Available Sessions

Date(s) Special Rate
09/08/23 - 12/31/24
1 Session - 1 hr
09/08/23 - 12/31/24
3 Sessions - 1 hr
$210 Register  
09/08/23 - 12/31/24
6 Sessions - 1 hr
$420 Register  

Personal Training - Stefanie

Skagit Valley
9/5/23 - 12/31/24

Stefanie provides individualized strength and/or cardio training for a wide range of fitness types, ages, and ability levels. She can help clients with basic strength/conditioning exercises as well as help clients further their current strength/conditioning training programs and meet performance goals. Equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, bands and body weight exercises, along with balance and functional training will be used to enhance the client’s fitness routine.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Member
8/10/23 12/31/24 Online / Front Desk $ 70.00-

Available Sessions

Date(s) Special Rate
09/05/23 - 12/31/24
1 Session - 1 hr
09/05/23 - 12/31/24
3 Sessions - 1 hr
$210 Register  
09/05/23 - 12/31/24
6 Sessions - 1 hr
$420 Register  

Sleep Coaching - Kim

Skagit Valley
9/5/23 - 12/31/24

We all know that sleep is important but sometimes it doesn’t come easily. Kim works with clients to help establish what roadblocks to good sleep exist for clients and work together to find solutions that can lead to better sleep.

Note: This is a 30-minute session.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberCommunity Member
9/1/23 12/31/24 Online / Front Desk $ 35.00-

Available Sessions

09/05/23 - 12/31/24
1 Session - 30 mins