Mindfulness in Meditation

Mindfulness in Meditation

We are excited to offer a FREE Intro to Mindfulness Meditation Course for members and community members! The course consists of four one-hour sessions with Skagit Y Member and mindfulness expert Duane Nelson. This is a great opportunity to dip your toes into this healthy practice in a welcoming environment.

Participants can expect to learn about the foundations of mindfulness, go through guided meditation and mindfulness exercises, build awareness of feelings and applied self-compassion, and spend time debriefing with Duane and other participants. Each session is one hour long.

About the instructor: Duane Nelson is a writer, speaker, and teacher focused on transformative experiments, flywheels, and habits for personal growth, awakening, and the evolution of consciousness. He is the author of The Hero’s Ultrajourney Into Your Soul – Six Simple & Vital Habits To Ignite the Adventure of a Lifetime. More details about Duane and his journey can be found at https://ultrajourneyinsight.org.